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The wallpapers hosted on Wallpapers By DK feature photography copyrighted by their respective owners and are for personal use only. If you intend any commercial use or would profit from their use, you may be violating that copyright. Since Wallpapers By DK does not own any of these photos, we cannot grant permission or sell usage rights to you.

The majority of phone wallpapers at Wallpapers By DK are 1772 x 3840 pixels (4K) and are optimised for the 9:19.5 apect ratio. Due to the high resolution, images are generally able to be cropped/adjusted to suit your mobile device as required.

For desktop wallpapers, the aspect ratio will generally be 16:9 and 3840 x 2160 pixels (4K).

Simple. To make things easy!

High resolution images can be cropped and adjusted to be used for many different situations. Also, it frees up storage space which allows for more of the highest quality wallpapers and faster load speeds.

We find sometimes there’s too many options to pick from, leading to overcomplication which can impact our choices. Keep it simple, on button to access the best quality wallpapers!